Join a fun World Pogo game called Word Whomp! This game will keep you addicted and engaged for hours. It’s all about spelling a lot of words from six letters in the center of the screen before time is up. Every world must contain three or more than three letters, and make sure you won’t form names, abbreviations or even contractions. Keep an eye on the clock too because it’s running out over time. You need to form the words in the least amount of time possible if you want to win. As you spell the words, Gophers will excavate veggies as well as lots of token bonuses. Getting confused is an inevitable thing, and if you do, make sure you click the Mix Up button, which allows the letters to change positions, helping you find the words more easily. Let’s play the game now and see how many words you can create!
- You have successfully unscrambled your letters! You found 24 words by unscrambling the letters, WHOMP.The above results will help you advance to the next round in Text Twist, Super Text Twist & Text Twist 2.
- The goal of Word Whomp HD is to spell as many words as you can with the six letters provided. Words must be at least three letters long and can't be proper names, abbreviations or contractions. You can play using the buttons and letter tiles on the screen or using your keyboard.
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Related to whomp: whomp up
(wŏmp, hwŏmp)
Free Word Whomp
v.whomped, whomp·ing, whomps To defeat soundly; trounce: whomped the opposing team.
3. To prepare or make, especially with little effort. Often used with up: 'Meanwhile, you whomp up yams and spuds and bake your pies'(Garrison Keillor).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
vb (
2. to trounce or defeat utterly
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ʰwɒmp, wɒmp) n. Informal. 1. a loud, heavy blow, slap, bang, or the like: He fell with an awful whomp.
v.t. 3. to slap or strike.
v.i. 5. whomp up, to stir up; rouse: to whomp up public approval.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: whomped
Gerund: Word Whomp Games
Present |
I whomp |
you whomp |
he/she/it whomps |
we whomp |
you whomp |
they whomp |
Preterite |
I whomped |
you whomped |
he/she/it whomped |
we whomped |
you whomped |
they whomped |
Present Continuous |
I am whomping |
you are whomping |
he/she/it is whomping |
we are whomping |
you are whomping |
they are whomping |
Present Perfect |
I have whomped |
you have whomped |
he/she/it has whomped |
we have whomped |
you have whomped |
they have whomped |
Past Continuous |
I was whomping |
you were whomping |
he/she/it was whomping |
we were whomping |
you were whomping |
they were whomping |
Past Perfect |
I had whomped |
you had whomped |
he/she/it had whomped |
we had whomped |
you had whomped |
they had whomped |
Future |
I will whomp |
you will whomp |
he/she/it will whomp |
we will whomp |
you will whomp |
they will whomp |
Future Perfect |
I will have whomped |
you will have whomped |
he/she/it will have whomped |
we will have whomped |
you will have whomped |
they will have whomped |
Future Continuous |
I will be whomping |
you will be whomping |
he/she/it will be whomping |
we will be whomping |
you will be whomping |
they will be whomping |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been whomping |
you have been whomping |
he/she/it has been whomping |
we have been whomping |
you have been whomping |
they have been whomping |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been whomping |
you will have been whomping |
he/she/it will have been whomping |
we will have been whomping |
you will have been whomping |
they will have been whomping |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been whomping |
you had been whomping |
he/she/it had been whomping |
we had been whomping |
you had been whomping |
they had been whomping |
Conditional |
I would whomp |
you would whomp |
he/she/it would whomp |
we would whomp |
you would whomp |
they would whomp |
Past Conditional |
I would have whomped |
you would have whomped |
he/she/it would have whomped |
we would have whomped |
you would have whomped |
they would have whomped |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Verb | 1. | whomp - hit with the hand slap - hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand; 'The impatient teacher slapped the student'; 'a gunshot slapped him on the forehead' |
2. | whomp - beat overwhelmingly beat, beat out, vanquish, trounce, crush, shell - come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; 'Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship'; 'We beat the competition'; 'Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game' |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
vt(= hit) → einschlagen auf(+acc); (= defeat) → schlagen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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